Friday, December 25, 2009

Let's Tune Out By Turning Up the Radio

Here it is! My last trip home for the next 2 years coming and going, at least I've had In-n-Out and its been warm in the Bay! Do you ever feel like you're so excited for something that is a little time away from the time you find out that you think that day is never going to come? I thought so, well, that's kind of how getting ready for the mission has been for me. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited even as I write right now, but I would also be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, scared and something else that would describe an apprehensive feeling about leaving everything for 104 weeks. Lucky for me, I have a pretty strong heart and fortitude for doing things that are scary, I've been able to deal pretty well. Oh, by the way, Merry Christmas everyone! I hope it was fantastic for all of you! ;)
It's quite interesting getting ready for what I'm about to do. Many of you that are of LDS faith and have served missions can relate probably to difficulty of preparation. At first, you think, "Oh man! I know nothing! How am I supposed to teach this stuff?!" Then a little time passes and you think, "Oh, I got this, it's all about testifying and Preach My Gospel." Finally you realize "My world is about to get flipped upside down no matter how I specifically prepare so I should just go about my normal stuff and get ready for this new experience with fun, friends, family and dropping the goodbyes to folks you won't see for quite some time." Am I right?
Here we are, I say we because I feel like I am not in this alone because I have all of you especially a few close friends in particular, however, I value each of you in your own way (I know I love you all so much, I'm just a big softy! ;p ). And you know what, I'm ready, bring it on Canada! Sorry, if it's boring to read about mission stuff, but this is kinda important to me right now. Anyway, I really am excited and I feel ready to go out and meet some sweet people, eat some food, hang out with some polar bears and baby seals, and do the work! I think that some people hear about a kid going on a mission is pretty typical and expected of them, but I really hope that you guys don't see me that way. I have truly made my own choice to serve the Lord and I expect only the best out of myself. I know that to some people, a mission is a rite of passage, but for me, and I don't say this in a "I'm better than you" way, but for me, I don't think that is the case. I don't care that that is how some might see it, I don't care if you don't care that I'm goin, I don't care if anyone approves of it. I DO care that it does not change our friendships because I am the same kid you got to know over however long we've known each other and in any of our respective circumstances. I love you! I mean that in the most correct way possible for how we know each other just in case you were getting the wrong idea ;p Y'all matter a whole lot to me and if you've suffered through this last most all the way to the end I offer a reason for it i guess? This is MY last post, but my mom may update it from time to time while I'm gone, but if I may ask, I would sincerely appreciate anyone that would want me to have their address or email address while I'm gone to write letters and/or emails to you fine friends! I want to write to as many people as would want letters, but I'm also planning on sending weekly or monthly emails to be forwarded to anyone that gives me their email address to keep you updated on my adventures! Plus, its nice to hear from you guys too!
Much love everyone!

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